Sunday, October 22, 2006

This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it! My spirit cries out Thank you Jesus! After being at work all week with people who worship themselves and have no desire for God or the things of God. I'm so thankful for the Lord's day and to sit and learn from a gifted pastor. We're between pastor's right now but our interim pastor/church planter is definately annointed of God and I absorb so much from him. I really couldn't tell you why. Maybe it's really just a thirst in my soul for truth in the midst of so much garbage. My 6 yr old nephew was baptised last night. I was amazed at the sense of relief it gave me. I actually caught myself thinking that baptism would save him. I'm not sure where that came from, it shocked me. Only he knows if his salvation is real, that's the same for all of us. And at 6 years of age, some people would question. His parents are godly people and personal I believe if Nik and Joe didn't truly believe it was real they wouldn't have let him go ahead with it. Adding to the sweetness of the moment was Joe baptising his own son into the family of God. How I long for that experience for our own sons. Derek and his brother, Joseph both gave their lives over to ministry. Derek goes about it by attending seminary and prayerfully waiting for opportunities to serve, currently that is an opportunity to lead a mens bible study in our church. Joseph studied under a godly pastor and many godly authors and prayerfully waited for his assignment from the Lord, pastoring a sweet little church in Spring Valley, Ohio, while working another job to provide for his family. He views it as evangelistic opportunity (Correct me if I'm wrong on that one, Joe.) Both of them are the product of a mother who pours her heart out in prayer and studies her bible dilligently and a father who does the same, but also questions what his pastors, teachers, authors tell him while absorbing an astonishing amount of information. I'm telling you if there was anything I wanted to know, I'd know exactly who to go to. It makes for good conversation.. My upbringing was vastly different but no less shaping of me. I grew up in a lost household by a single mother who worked so hard. My father never knew I existed until recently. It wasn't until Derek and I got married that I realized my need for Christ and since then I've been learning to lay all of my issues at his feet. It's amazing though how God uses your circumstances to give you what you need for ministry. I have such a heart for hearting women. I don't really know what God has in store but I know he's working. Meanwhile I'm going to sit under the tutaledge of a gifted pastor and a godly family and pray for his will. Thank you God for another Lord's Day and give me Your heart for the coming week.

1 comment:

Anna said...

I love it. I just studied today on the Truth of what we are doing here, today, right now having an impact on literally thousands of generations after us. What an honor that God renews that opportunity to us at every new generation! I can't wait for that day in Heaven where we get to find out everything that happened down the line!